Saturday, 23 March 2013

Why 50 Doesn’t Frighten Me

This is my first blog entry.  I have no set agenda for this blog or for what I will write about.  It will not be a regularly scheduled blog, nor will it be about one set subject.  I will be writing about the things that move me, that inspire me, that make me angry, make me cry, or make me laugh.  I am a woman with deep spiritual roots and many interests, including health & fitness, seniors' issues, health care, natural medicine, music, history, and current events.

This first entry is about turning 50, which will happen to me in 2013.  It's a privilege, not on the radar screen for every woman.  For example, in Afghanistan, the average teenage girl today will not live to see her 50th birthday.  I am blessed to have been born a woman in Newfoundland, Canada.  I have moved around a little, residing in Nova Scotia (for now).  In this North American culture, most opportunities are not denied me based on my gender.  This is a freedom not all women get to experience.

So.  50.  Big scary number?  It might be that for some people, but not much frightens me anymore.  I’ve lived and learned enough to know that fear is a useless emotion that simply paralyzes us (usually when we most need to take action).  Besides, I actually enjoy getting older - a strange concept for many, I know!

What I enjoy about getting older is that the unimportant things slip away and the important things are what remain in our hearts, minds, and souls, provided we’re open to that type of self-improvement.  Added bonus - the older I get, the less inhibited I am and more open to saying what's on my mind instead of pandering to please other people.  This is a freedom I never felt when I was younger.

As the years go by, it’s not wiser I've become, just more of my authentic self.  The bravado is gone. Well, except in yoga class, when I’ll be darned if any 20-year-old pretzel chicks are going to look down their noses at me – I will do the pose better than they do every time, and hold it longer - supposing it kills me, which it sometimes does!  Apparently I’m far too competitive for yoga. :-)

In October of 2013, if God allows, I get to turn 50 years old. 

50 is Fabulous!!

I have been through far too much to fear a number.  Some of the less pleasant things I have survived include; family illnesses and deaths, miscarriage, divorce, assault, business closures and job loss, poverty, a cancer scare, and the painful deceit of two persons very close to me.  Then for comic relief there were probably 200 bad first (and last!!) dates tossed in there – fodder for another day's post!  

Life consists of happy experiences and not-so-happy ones.  I can't classify them as "good" or "bad" because all helped to mould me.  I hope what I have learned has made me a better, more loving, compassionate, and decent human being. It sounds cliché to say that the hard times have made me appreciate the good times, but cliché or not, it’s the truth.  

It is through the eyes of this life I have lived, that I will express myself as this blog progresses. Life is an adventure.  50 is the new 30 and I'm taking it on with exactly that much enthusiasm.  This is why I am not afraid of 50.

While I am sure the next phase of my life will contain its own unique set of challenges, it will also be rich in blessings, love, laughter, new people, new experiences, and it will be absolutely Fabulous.

To quote from “Calendar Girls,” a favourite movie of mine that portrays female ageing with humour and grace, the next phase of my life “is the most glorious.”  I insist on it.

Bring it on!