Saturday, 21 December 2013

I May Not Agree With What You Say, But ...

I am asking myself a question today because I (and most of us) have been guilty of reacting with intolerance when opinions on various issues have been in conflict with my own:

Question:  Whatever happened to, "I may not agree with what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it"  ???

That is what freedom of speech means.  Respect for all persons and their right to have their own opinions, even when those opinions conflict with our own.  People all claim to believe in freedom of speech, but this belief quickly goes out the window when someone says something they disagree with.

This is evidenced every day, but particularly during this shemozzle with Phil Robertson of Duck Dynasty.  So he doesn't understand homosexuality because of his religious background.  So what?  He hasn't called for people to rise up in arms and kill homosexuals.  He has, in fact, said the opposite, that he treats all people kindly, no matter who they are or what they believe in.  Somehow, I believe him.

Let's look at a few facts.

The human race was not formed with a cookie cutter.

People will never agree on all issues.

One cannot exercise freedom of speech and yet deny it to other people at the same time.  This makes one a hypocrite.

Arguing is not the way to convince people to think your way.  Arguing often turns into name calling and bullying - on both sides.  Nobody is innocent once they wade into the BS stream.  I see a lot of bullying on Facebook and other forums where people feel safe because they're hiding behind a computer screen.  I'm guessing they'd shut their big gobs up right quick if the people they're bullying suddenly walked into the room!

If you feel the need to express differing opinions (which we all do, from time to time), then please do it respectfully.  Remember, kindness and respect cost nothing and will come back to you at some time in some form or other.

Using nasty, bullying words as well as making snide remarks behind their back amongst yourselves only affects YOUR energy and YOUR spirit, and gives them control.  Why? Because you are spending valuable time and energy thinking about them instead of going about your own business.  Use your valuable energy on YOU.  And use more of your valuable energy quietly doing a kindness for someone other than yourself instead of bellyaching about someone else's thoughts and opinions.  Seriously, there are better things to do with your time and energy.

Protect your energy and your spirit by minding your own business.  Protect your integrity by showing respect to those with whom you disagree.  That does not mean you agree with them.

Exception would be if what someone is saying is a threat to someone's safety or well being. If it is, the authorities may need to be involved.  If it isn't, just "keep calm and carry on" or "let go and let God" whatever works for you.

The best way to convince anybody of anything is just to BE:
BE the best person you can be
BE the best embodiment of your beliefs
BE a person who lives with integrity

And for heaven's sake, lighten up.  Utilize your senses:

Common sense (to butt out when things don't concern you)
Sense of humour - laugh it off
Sense enough to not sweat the small stuff.  There are more than enough real issues in the world to be concerned with, let's take poverty and hunger for just two examples, as there are too many to list.

Get busy, be productive, keep humour in the mix, and lead by example.  I add prayer to the list because that's who I am.  For me to be completely at peace, I need to be plugged into the Source.

Whatever it takes for YOU, be the best you that you can be.  That is the only way to convince people of anything, if convincing is possible.  It is also the best way to have a spirit which is at peace, whether or not you eventually succeed in affecting another's opinion.

Showing respect to everybody, even the ones we disagree with is a huge step on the path to personal peace. Pray for their well being, send them love and light, wish them peace.  These are all ways to preserve your integrity and your internal peace in the face of disagreement, because what you put out, is exactly what you will receive back. It's always good to remember that.

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