Friday, 22 August 2014

You ARE Good Enough, and So Am I. :-)

Having an "aha" kind of day, as cliche as all this is going to sound.  Life is too freaking short to allow people to steal your joy, especially if that person is YOU!  Learning that lesson.  I feel like a bird - moulting off the old and taking on the new.  Every time the bird shakes off the old feathers, the beauty underneath is revealed in all its glory and fabulousness.  

We are all FABULOUS!  Any age ... any size!  Learn it, know it, walk in it.  Hold your head high and enjoy living your life in the creation which is YOU.  Smile, laugh, love, hug,   God made you and HE doesn't make mistakes.  We all make mistakes, but that's part of being human.  

I've had a lifetime of people (men and women) implying or saying outright that I'm not good enough - in every area you can think of.  Too fat, too shy, too bold, too quiet, too loud, job not good enough, not spiritual enough, too spiritual, too serious, not serious enough, that clothes doesn't suit you, your hair looks better THIS way ... you should do this, you should do that, don't post that picture, you look like crap, don't write that book, you're not good enough ... it goes on and on and ON. 

The worst offender?  Me.

Of the external detractors, none of these people are on my Facebook friends' list!!  So I'm saying this more for me than for them:  Hear this - I'm DONE!  I'm also done with beating myself up for every perceived wrong that I do or think.  I'm human and therefore fraught with flaws, as are we all.  It says in Scripture to "glory in our imperfection."  I'm understanding this more and more.  #1.  We can never be perfect.  Let it go.  #2.  God is perfection and when we are weak and allow Him to be strong, His Glory shines, even on the darkest days.  

Be yourself, in love.  I've strived to be someone else - in condemnation, of myself and others.  We are all so much kinder to other people than we are to ourselves, aren't we?  Try to remember that when someone is unkind.  Imagine how they're beating themselves up on the inside, if they're being this hard on you?  We all do it. 

Reality is this:  I have one person to please - me.  God already loves me.  I'm learning to love me - the rest comes naturally after that.  Human relationships are all work, but if you love yourself first and truly love your life, that puts relationships with others into a much better perspective.  

I've internalized the BS from other people and society in general.  Holy smokes, why has it taken me 50 years to learn that I'm already good enough?  All these snippets of positivity that I post all the time?  They're just as much, or more, for me than anyone else.  Good thing because it's finally taking root.  FINALLY!  I get it now.  

Don't let anyone steal your joy ... not a catty individual, not an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend, and avoid wolves in sheep's clothing.  Holding things in will do nothing good, but will sooner or later, make you sick.  Say what you mean and mean what you say.  Just do it in kindness.  

We all do and say stupid things.  Me included.  When we're unhappy, we sometimes lash out at other people.  If people have been catty or mean with us, our human instinct is to be mean or catty back.  The cycle goes on.

Well - breaking it now.  If I've ever said (or even thought) anything mean to anyone, I apologize.  And I apologize to me for the negative internal dialogue which has been playing inside my head on a continual loop for most of my lifetime.  It's bad for the mind, bad for the body, bad for the spirit.

Let's get 'er done, b'ys!!  A round of optimism, love, and acceptance to everyone!  Raise that glass high and let it overflow - Cheers!

Thank you to my beautiful friend, Bridgit, for posting this photo a while back.  It's so true.  

All this stuff that we read every day?  Starting to actually feel it.  

You ARE good enough.  And so am I.  Believe it.  I finally am.  

Happy Friday!  Go make someone happy, starting with you!  Dare you!!


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